Thursday, December 3, 2015

Nobody Else Can Make You Happy

     In high school, especially, we get trapped into our mind set that having a boyfriend or girlfriend will make us happy. One of the most fundamental lessons that school cannot teach us is that no thing and no one can make you happier than you can make yourself.
    Our happiness is our responsibility. We know what it takes for us to be balanced. Sure a boyfriend or girlfriend can make us happy while we are with them, but what about when we aren't? You have to do what it is that makes you happy all of the time whether that be music, sports, reading, dancing, writing or anything else. I know all to well that life is too short to not do what you love. If laughter is the best medicine, then happiness is a cure all.
     Don't depend your happiness on other people or things. Only you know what can get you smiling and feeling your best. While things and people can enhance these feelings, you have to a have a firm foundation for them to rest upon.

     As the first quote states,  you have to celebrate everything that your life is right now. There is not enough time in a day to spend worrying about what you think your life should or could be. You have to make the best of everything you have. Don't cheap yourself out of a world of joy and excitement. Make your life worth it. There is no such thing as too much happiness!

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