Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Worst Word In Any Language Is "I"

     It is one thing to have self-confidence and be self-sufficient, but it is another thing to be self-absorbed. Everything is not about you. Now we all know that one person who consistently talks about themselves and after a while doesn't it make you not want to talk to them? There is nothing more monotonous than hearing someone talk about themselves. Don't be that person.
     You don't have to announce your self-confidence to the world. Simply by being yourself, the world will know that you are confident. When you are continuously absorbed in yourself, it actually makes people wonder if maybe your over confidence in yourself is a cover up for your insecurities. When you embrace yourself you will radiate. However, embracing yourself doesn't mean you need to brag about yourself of have a large ego or be too proud.
    Being involved in both band and choir I have been taught to let go of myself to better the group. One of the most important aspects of being in a musical group or sports team, or any other group for that matter, is being one with your teammates. If even one person outwardly rates themselves above someone else, the group cannot function effectively or reach its truest potential. When you bring yourself into something where it doesn't belong, you change the dynamic and not in a positive way.
     So many activities, teach you to be a part of a team but don't always teach you to release your self and become one. In school, when you are a part of a group for a project, there is no need for you to hype yourself up because you are getting the same score as all the members of your group. It is hard to respect someone who can't care about anything more than themselves. Be the person who thinks of others first. As Hans F. Hansen said, "People that know they are important, think about others. People that think they are important think about themselves."

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