Tuesday, December 1, 2015

TV Is Not Real Life

    While this may come as a shock to some people, TV is not real life. At our age we are generally growing out of the "I want to be a _____ when I grow up" phase. Therefore, we go into a search for a career that is practical and interesting to us. All to commonly this turns us to the TV. We watch shows like CSI, NCIS and Grey's Anatomy,  and state that we want to be a federal agent,homicide detective or a doctor. Some people watch the food channel or HGTV and decide to be a pastry chef or an interior designer. While all these professions are very legitimate, our picture of what the job is really like is distorted by the television.
     I have to admit that for a time, I wanted nothing more than to be just like Abby Schuto from NCIS. I have since grown out of this phase because I realized that not all forensic scientists live the life of luxury that Abby lives in the show. The other thing that I realized was that I need to be able to chose what I'm going to do for the rest of my life for myself, without any false influences.
     I encourage all young people who are trying to decide what they want to do with their life, to turn your heads away from the TV and look into your life and find what makes you most happy and work with it. While television is great for entertainment, most of it is not an accurate depiction of a normal life in the real world. Get your inspiration from your life and not the life of your favorite character.

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