Monday, November 30, 2015

Life Has Not Done Away With Winners and Losers

     In order to maintain student's self esteem and confidence, schools have gotten rid of competition between students. Not that there was any super blatant competitiveness before, but there is even less now. This removal of competitive spirit does not bear any resemblance to the real world AT ALL. Between companies, between bosses, between coworkers; there is competition everywhere. And there is always an incentive for coming out on top.
     In school we are commonly given as many tries as we need to get the grade we want. In the real world, you get one chance to get it right and if you don't, someone else gets the job, promotion, or lead on the project. A well known fact of nature is that only the strong survive. This applies to life as well (literally and figuratively). The better you do things, especially the first time, the better off you will be.
     Life is a constant competition, despite what schools may have you believe. Teachers usually want every student to do well, whether that take one time for top students or ten times for the lower.  Life gives everyone one chance to get it right and thus it separates the winners from the losers. The other side of this thought is that some people will do whatever it takes to come out on top. The end does not justify the means. You have to keep the bigger picture in mind- remember that while it's okay to do your best, it's better to ensure that you go the extra mile to prove yourself.
     Lastly, though being the winner is always seen as better, you should never aim to beat anyone else. Rather you should strive to be the best you can possibly be. When you achieve our truest potential, you are a winner.

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