Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Our Parents Know Things We Don't

     How many times in our lives, when our parents advise us not to do things, do we still do them with the mind set that they don't know what they are talking about? For me, this used to happen all the time. Something we, as teens and young adults, need to realize is that our parents have done everything we have done, and perhaps they know a bit more about life than we do. I know...it's shocking!!!
      On subjects like relationships, money, jobs and just life in general, parents always know better than we do. For example, this past summer I had my first real job. Before then I had my own money, but only what I would get for my birthday and doing odd jobs for my grandparents. After making as much money as I made this past summer I was excited at the idea of going out and buying anything I wanted. However, my parents immediately stepped in and told me that I had to save my money and budget it out so that I can make it last. They were right.
     Parents are also almost always right when it comes to relationships. Since high school is so commonly about who we are "dating" at the moment,we are so concerned with maintaining our relationships.  If you are actually considering dating someone more seriously, parents can always give you advice on how to go about considering your relationships since they have been through that themselves.
     Lastly, there are issues like teenage ignorance with driving, drinking, smoking and partying in general. My family knows the reality of the dangers of driving, but so many teens today only care about driving fast and think nothing bad will happen because they are invincible. When it comes to safe driving, listen to your parents. They always know better than we do because they have gotten tickets and have been in accidents and know what that's like.  Drinking, smoking drugs and partying are also things that we are always told are dangerous, but never understand the repercussions until after we've done it. When your parents warn you not to do them, you should really listen because commonly they have made mistakes that they don't want you to make as well.
      Just as a general rule of thumb, your parents have been alive a lot longer than you have. They have done all the things you have done and will do. When they advise against things, it's because they know what will happen. They know better than we do so listen to them.

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