Sunday, November 29, 2015

Take Responsibility When YOU Mess Up

     How often when we mess up do we come up with someone or something else to blame? In high school, we are only provided with a small example of what the world expects of us later in life. When you mess up, it looks so much better if you just accept responsibility and learn from your mistakes.
     The first step to taking responsibility for your mistakes is by acknowledging the fact that you are not perfect, despite what you may think. It is a part of life to mess up. No one is perfect and you have to be willing to realize that this also applies to you.
    The next step is to realize that when you mess up, it is not the end of the world, so why blame it on anyone or anything else. There are some exceptions where the situation could actually be really bad, but even in these situations, it would be so much more impressive for people to see someone willing to take responsibility for themselves. Taking responsibility demonstrates a maturity that is faith renewing and refreshing to see.
     Blaming others is the easy way out, which is why so many people do it. Blame, in many ways demonstrates a persons lack of self confidence. Employers are most commonly looking for someone who displays confidence in their own abilities. Parallel to this confidence is the responsibility of the individual. If someone is truly confident in themselves, they should be completely willing to accept responsibility when they make a mistake.
     Although it is hard to always take responsibility, it is so much more rewarding in the end. It also builds character. It is easier to respect a person who holds themselves accountable for their mess ups.
Instead of complaining about messing up and blaming others, take responsibility and you will most likely learn from your mistake so that you don't make it again. 

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