Sunday, November 8, 2015

Life's Not Fair. Get Over It.

     In the American education system we are only taught what we need to be able to graduate. Students do gain social experience through making new friends and having to communicate with teachers and coaches, but besides that and classroom learning, what has school actually taught us about going into the adult world?
     Probably one of the most important things I have learned, that I was not taught in school, is the fact that LIFE IS NOT FAIR. I constantly find myself saying, "That's not fair," but only recently have I realized that it's just the way of life. Because most people are lazy, we expect things to be handed to us. However, this is not the way the world works. Just because you may be the smartest or the most qualified person, doesn't mean you will always get what you want. The sooner we get over the fact that life is not fair, the better we will start to bounce back after experiencing one of those "unfair" moments.
    Another aspect of life being unfair, is the idea that people need to GET OVER IT. My parents and grandparents are always telling me and my siblings that complaining when something doesn't go your way won't change the outcome. However hard this may be to accept, it's true.
     Yet another realization we need to face is the fact that maybe we caused the said unfairness. As teenagers, we are commonly ignorant to the fact that when we blatantly disobey, there will be consequences. When someone breaks curfew and gets their phone taken away, they will most likely proceed to claim that their parents are being unfair, when in reality the "unfair" consequences could have been avoided . I will admit that this is a common scenario for me. I say things like that and only later do I realize how stupid it made me sound because I had no one to blame but myself. The reality of life is that we have to take what we are given, despite whether or not it is fair, and use it to better position ourselves for gain in the future.
     Lastly, for the those of us who are convinced that nothing unfair could happen to them, the time will come when they will be upset that someone got the promotion they thought they deserved or didn't get the test grade that they thought they should have received.  Life is not fair. Despite how unfair that may be, it's the way the world works. Get over it!
"The only thing that makes life unfair, is the delusion that it should be fair." -Dr. Steve Maraboli
"Greatness is measured by how well an individual responds to the happenings in life that seem totally unfair, unreasonable and undeserved." -Marvin J. Ashton 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE QUOTE! Even as a schoolteacher, I agree! Never can replace real-life experience.
