Monday, November 30, 2015

Be Nice To Nerds

     Kids who are classified as nerds, are often the ones who are picked on or laughed at because they chose to study instead of go to the movies or parties. However, what people need to realize is that someday they will most likely be working under one of these so called "Nerds."
     In high school, there is a large distinction between the sporty "Jocks" and the smart "nerds." Kids just assume that the most popular kids in school will be the most successful bosses and business owners. While is some cases this is true, in many cases, either the nerdy kids become the successful professionals or they are the ones in the popular person's company that make it successful.
     Sports are commonly embodied as the most important aspect of high school. But how often do people's hard work in a sport during high school pay off? Less than 10% of high school athletes go on to play professionally. Contrary to this, most kids who focus on learning, have a 3.5 GPA and up and took challenging classes, will be first choice on college application lists and eventually make more money. I don't say this to downgrade the benefit of playing sports or the people who participate in them, but rather to demonstrate a difference between realistic scenarios.
     Being a nerd is not at all a bad thing. People make being a nerd such a bad thing when it really is a term inferring intelligence. "Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one." -Bill Gates

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